Sam Winchester’s Hair – The Only Thing Left to Me

Books, Dean Winchester, Fagin's Boy, Historical Fiction, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Life and Everything, Novel Notes, Pink Ray Gun, Sam Winchester, SPN, Supernatural, Writing Comments Off on Sam Winchester’s Hair – The Only Thing Left to Me

Dear Avid Readers and Anyone Else Interested in What I’m Writing About,

Some time ago, mid-Season Seven of Supernatural, I believe, I had a desire to do more of  my own writing. I wanted to write about that (and my decision not to write about Supernatural) more, and will in due course, but if you’re interested, I’ve started a new blog. I write about all types of things, hopefully in an interesting way. And, best of all, I’ve written a book. It’s even on sale!

If you would like to read more, you can visit me at:

You can read about my book, Fagin’s Boy there, or, if you’d like to simply brave the fates and buy it outright, you can go to any number of places:

Amazon – Paperback

Kindle – Mobi

Nook – Epub

Kobo – Epub

Smashwords – Epub

I think it’s been a good transition for me to make; my only sorrow is, because I wasn’t writing about Sam and Dean anymore, the loss of some very nice and enthusiastic readers.

Here’s hoping that you all are well!


Christina E. Pilz  

Supernatural Episode Review: The Man Who Knew Too Much

Dean Winchester, Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Sam Winchester, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: The Man Who Knew Too Much

My review for the Supernatural episode “The Man Who Knew Too Much” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“In comparison, in the little (and I mean little) scene where First Sam meets Soulless Sam, we get nothing that’s on par with what we got on Dean. The pair of Sams circle around each other alright, but the camera shoots them from a distance, a little ways down a hill, with three-quarter shots starting at mid calf and ending somewhere a little ways above Sam’s head. There are almost no closeups and certainly no dramatic view points or reveals that would indicate in any way whatsoever that this character is important. The camera, in fact, tells us most certainly that he is not. “

Supernatural Episode Review: Let It Bleed

Dean Winchester, Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Sam Winchester, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: Let It Bleed

My review of the Supernatural episode “Let It Bleed” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

Next up, the Gang studies the journal and gets the reference to H.P. Lovecraft. After the boys exchange amusing and amused looks, Dean remarks snarkily why on earth he’s supposed to know who that is.  This has a two-fold effect. First, it acts like it wants to totally negate the heretofore supported idea that Dean actually reads for pleasure and to improve his mind. I’d be more peeved with this reversal, if the idea didn’t, at the same time, also start shoving the lads to their former positions, with Dean as the uneducated muscle and Sam as the brainy encyclopedia. This points to the boys potentially going back to being brothers with each one having a role, and Dean was funny anyway, so there’s that.”

Supernatural Episode Review: The Man Who Would Be King

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My review of the Supernatural episode “The Man Who Would Be King” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“My favorite line of his in the ep is when the Soap Angel refuses to kill the Winchesters, and tells Crowley not to worry about it. Crowley starts growling, “Don’t worry about them? Oh, you mean like Lucifer, Michael, Alistair, Lilith or even Azazel didn’t worry about them?” That’s a long string of names of Big Bads and a nice reminder that you don’t mess with either Sam or Dean or they will Take You Out.”

Supernatural Episode Review: Mommy, Dearest

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Mommy, Dearest” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

After the hoe-down hilarity of last week’s ep, this week’s ep was a whole lot of something that wasn’t anything like a hoe-down and nothing like anything I’d be watching twice, if I didn’t have to. I’m not saying it was terribly bad, but at every other turn in the plot, I kept asking, why are they doing that? or why is he saying that to him? Not to mention the fact that it was Dean, Dean, Dean, all day, all night, all Dean, 24/7, and there was, at the same time, a mighty DEARTH of Sam.”

Supernatural Episode Review: Frontierland

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Frontierland” is up at Enjoy!

And excerpt:

“Magical Bobby is the first one to find the intel about the Phoenix and how its ashes can destroy the MOA. Up starts the funny lines, most of which are delivered by Dean. Here he asks, “Are we talking River, Joaquin, or the flaming bird?” Sam gives Dean a delighted smirk (as if to award Dean points for being so clever), and then his eyes get a little narrow, as if appraising Dean on some other and perhaps darker level. Am I reading too much into this, do you think? There’s still the issue of the Great Wall of Sam and how much is (or has) gotten through to be dealt with. I’m hoping it will happen soon because I think it’ll be a doozy when it does.”

Supernatural Episode Review: My Heart Will Go On

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My review of the Supernatural episode “My Heart Will Go On” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

Dean points to the back of the bus, not at the # 666, but instead at the hind end bus ad that shows Russo shilling his wares. When Sam gives him the Bitchface, we get another lovely quip from Dean, “Too soon?” (as in, too soon to poke fun?) and Sam retorts, “Yeah, Dean, six seconds is too soon.” This is funny, funny stuff, and when’s the last time, I ask you, since Sam and Dean had these types of exchanges? It’s been years. Years! I’m not saying that it didn’t make sense, that absence and the brothers’ distance, but it’s nice to see them more in sync in this timeline. Hopefully it will continue back in their real lives.”

Supernatural Episode Review: And Then There Were None

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, SGA, SPN, Stargate:Atlantis, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: And Then There Were None

My review of the Supernatural episode “And Then There Were None” is up at Enjoy!

Supernatural Episode Review: The French Mistake

Dean Winchester, Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Sam Winchester, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: The French Mistake

My review of the Supernatural episode “The French Mistake” is up at Enjoy!

Supernatural Episode Review: Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Dean Winchester, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Sam Winchester, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

My review of the Supernatural Episode “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning” is up at Enjoy!