Archive for September, 2007

Asylum: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Asylum” at Thank you!

Fanfiction: In Harm’s Wake

Fanfiction, My Fanfiction, Supernatural 6 Comments »

Title: In Harm’s Wake

Rating: G
Pairing: None
Word Count: 13,151
A/N: This is a third story in the Aunt Sissy Universe. It’s not a sequel to the other two,
Out of Harm’s Way, or Safe From Harm, but more a companion piece that takes place a few years after both stories. Sam wanted to have his own story about her, and who am I to resist such a cute little face?

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The Benders: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “The Benders” at Thank you!

Fanfiction: Safe From Harm

Fanfiction, My Fanfiction, Supernatural 5 Comments »

Title: Safe From Harm
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Word Count: 8,775
A/N: This is a second story in the Aunt Sissy Universe. It’s not a sequel to the first one, Out of Harm’s Way, but more a companion peice that takes place a few years later. I enjoyed the first one so much, I was loathe to let Aunt Sissy go by the wayside. The characters of Dean and Sam, as well, wanted to spend more time with her, and who am I to resist the will of a Weechester? Here tis then. Enjoy! (Also, there is a link to this story posted on my LJ as well as the supernaturalfic LJ.)

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Fanfiction: Hour of Separation

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If Sky Blue and Black was harder to write and not very well received, than Hour of Separation was, in comparison, an easy to raise and well-loved child. This post is about that story, which you can read on Flamingo’s fabulous Starsky and Hutch site. 

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Fanfiction: Sky Blue and Black

Fanfiction, Life and Everything, My Fanfiction, Starsky and Hutch 2 Comments »

As I mentioned in my post about Velveteen Hutch, my goal to have Sky Blue and Black published to the S/H fan community was a rocky one. This post is about trying to get it published and how the story came about. The story is currently posted on Flamingo’s site. Read the rest of this entry »

Provenance: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Provenance” at Thank you!

Where I was, Where I wasn’t

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I think I was trying to forget what today was; I drove into town and had lunch with my sister. The sky was clear blue, with no clouds, and it had been so warm that all the snow had melted from the front range of the Rocky Mountains. I did see a lot of flags today and made no connection whatsoever. But… Read the rest of this entry »

Fanfiction: Velveteen Hutch

Fanfiction, My Fanfiction, Starsky and Hutch 1 Comment »

Once, long ago, I was very much into Starsky and Hutch fandom. My interest these days is peripheral, but I have fond spot for it in my heart, and always will. This fandom was the one that showed me what friendship was all about; nobody could love each other the way the boys do. For some reason, while in the fandom, I produced no songvids, and only five stories, only three of which ever got published. (The other two, I recently submitted to two fanzines, and they should be out in a year.) I guess I was more involved in reading the fanfic and collecting songvids than creating anything.

This post, in particular, is about the fanfiction Velveteen Hutch. Read the rest of this entry »

A Few Good Men: Reality and Me

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What started out as a simple convention turned into my friend and me planning an impromptu visit to the theater. We got tickets to Casa Manana for two shows of A Few Good Men, the Saturday Matinee, and the Sunday evening performance. Read the rest of this entry »