I took the “Who Are You” quiz on blacklid’s LJ and oh my GOD. I am Sam. Shit. My sister always said I was, but I resisted. I wanted to be DEAN. I’m never going to live this down. Never. Anyway, the quiz was fun, here’s the link to take it. So anyway, it’s not that I don’t love Sam, I do. Sam is smart and cute and powerful and all sorts of good things. I guess I just relate more to Dean, who is f’d up beyond belief and far more interesting to me.


  Which Supernatural character are you?  

You’re Sam! Smart, kind, and all-around good guy. You care about people and you always try to do the right thing. But there’s more to you than meets the eye — if someone gets on your bad side, they better watch out.
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Which Supernatural character are you?

You’re Dean! You’re like those M&Ms you love so much — hard candy shell on the outside, soft chocolate center on the inside. You’re a huge flirt, and quite proud of it, even though you’d rather chew off your own arm than talk about your real feelings. You kick ass and you’re smart, but without any special powers or a silly college education — all your kickass is purely your own, baby.
Take this quiz!

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Second time’s a charm, baby. I’m DEAN!!!!