Fault Lines by jewels 667 and Emptying the Bowl by angstslashhope.


These two are a pair of stories, the second of which is a remix of the first. Near as I can figure it, a remix takes the first story and gives it a spin. The second story could be a retelling of the first from a different point of view, or it could be a continuation of the story, or whatever. Like SPN makes a writer want to write, a good story will make another writer want to keep that story going. Near as I can figure.

In this case, the first writer creates a Dean-character story, marked by fine writing like:

“Plates shift with the click of the door latch and Sam’s affect is defined by his absence, like a fissure opened up beneath Dean’s feet; he’s been tumbling downward ever since. ”

What works in this story is the almost abstract description, where there are fragments of ideas against other fragments, and all of it assembles itself together to paint a picture of a very lonely Dean. The remix takes this idea and spins it. They’re lovely.

“Dean likes the baser things in life. His body’s never quite fit him right, like his skin’s a tectonic jigsaw, constantly shifting and threatening to crack open. Sam’s mouth soothes and stills. Binds the edges together, like the scratch marks down Dean’s back are seams, like Sam’s saliva is blood.”