The Placement of Water and Lead by katjad.


Reads like an ep. Has many good elements of a lot of good eps, the conflict between good and evil and the choices the boys have to make to decide what to do. The save at the end is a little easy (Dean guesses), but I enjoyed the ep-feel of this one, and the action scenes, which were well done. How Dean thinks is true and clear, like:

“Sometimes when Dean thinks things through, his gut tightens into a dense leaden ball and he understands things that he didn’t know before. He tried to explain the feeling to Sam, once, right after Sam first told him about the visions, but this is nothing like the visions. Sam’s visions are about things he couldn’t possibly know, that push into his mind uninvited; the lead in Dean’s gut is made up of the things he already knows coming together until they fit, until they make obvious what he almost knew before and couldn’t put his finger on.”


“”Sam! You’ve gotta unlock the door, I can’t get in ’til you do,” he says, keeps repeating something on the same theme until it gets through to Sam and the bolt turns in the lock. Sam’s on the floor, fingers tangled in his hair, clutching at his skull and rocking. Dean pulls him out of the tiny, porcelain-hard bathroom, and into the room, onto the carpet, but the vision just won’t end; he’s practically howling now, and Dean stops thinking entirely and pulls Sam into his arms and close.”

and especially

“Since he was six years old Dean has catalogued every room he’s entered for exits, cover and weapons the moment he entered it, and this room is no different. He has the image of the whole place in his mind instantly. The bed’s the only cover, and Sam’s got his gun. The rest of the guns are under the front of the bed, out of reach. His knife is on his belt, which is somewhere on Sam’s side of the bed, near the bathroom. There’s only one door to the outside, which is on Dean’s side of the room, but he’d never make it the ten feet between here and the door without giving Sam a clear line of sight.”