You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Bloody Mary” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

So anyway, Sam and Dean march into the local mortuary to check out the dead body. They’re posing as medical students and you can see they’re not quite comfortable with their lie yet. They manage to muddle through, but when the guy at the desk still refuses them entry, Sam pulls out a wad of cash. Dean protests to Sam that hey, he earned that money! Sam says, “You WON it in a poker game.” Dean goes, “Yeah?” Like, that’s supposed to matter? To Dean, winning and earning are the same thing. Sam, of course, knows the difference between the two. What’s interesting to me here is the fact that if Dean won the money, what’s it doing in Sam’s wallet? Did Dean instantly hand over his winnings to Sam, or was there a tussle about it? Does that make Sam the banker? Does Dean get an allowance? Personally, I don’t think he’d stand for that, so I kind of imagine that their money is communal, and they both pull out of a common kitty, and Sam just happens to have the nicer wallet. What’s Dean’s is Sam’s and vice versa. Which is rather nice, you know?”

Pictures…(Click on the links to display beautiful, full-size pics. Click on thumbnails for smaller but still beautiful pics.)

Dean listening

Dean listening

Sam talking in the car

Sam talking in the car

The Impala in the rain

The Impala in the rain