So the other day I got this terrific email from a woman who reads my reviews on, and who sometimes posts comments to themĀ about what she liked or didn’t like, whether she agreed or not, what made her laugh. I always appreciate posts like that because not only is it nice to get feedback, it’s nice to get feedback from people who think about things.

In this email, she says: “I know you’ve seen the anti-Motivational poster generaters, and in noodling around tonight, I made one that was inspired by you, and wanted to share.”

Then, enclosed in the email was the following poster:

Dithering Poster

Dithering Poster

She really captured the whole flavor of those motivational posters you see everywhere, that some dopey boss dreamed up because he thought it would acutally HELP with being a paid slave. And THEN she turned the conceptĀ on its ear, so that it actually IS fun and inspiring. So I would like to say a terrific SHOUT out to Cindi, who made me laugh and smile for days. I don’t think I’ve inspired someone like this in a while, so I really appreciate her efforts, not just for the terrifically clever poster, but for the fact that I’ve got a cohort in crime who thinks that boys who dither are incredibly sexy. I plan on getting a nice glossy print made of this and hanging it RIGHT by my computer, to always remind me what’s important in this world: Da Boys!