You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Salvation” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

Sam on his own is a lot like a lost child, with his schoolbag and his tan jacket that keeps slipping off his shoulders in the rain. Then he has a vision, which looks like a very bad migraine, but alas, there is no one there to comfort him. But instead of falling prey to his own misery, Sam pays attention to the vision, and figures out that the woman and her baby who are in danger live near the railroad tracks. Out comes his map, and off he goes. I like to imagine that he RAN the whole way, following the line of the tracks, stopping to check his bearings every so often, to pull his jacket up yet again, and then kept on going, regardless of how bad he feels. Sam’s like that, you see. He might whine about the food, or bitch at Dean for no particular reason, but on his own, like he is here, he matures about 10 years, and looks for help from no one. (I notice how badly Sam needs a haircut here. I hope he never gets one.)

The Colt and those Notes

The Colt and those Notes

Convincing Sammy

Convincing Sammy

Trained to flirt

Trained to flirt

Charming the panties off a nun

Charming the panties off a nun

Lonely man

Lonely man

Stopping the car

Stopping the car