You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Bugs” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

The cuteness involving the boys (which is far more important even than my campaign for random about-to-be-dead-running-around-naked guys) starts right away when they pull into suburbia to check out the creepy bug thing. Their remarks about how cool or uncool the perfect green lawns and beautiful houses are telling. Sam thinks they are nice, because he’s, at this point, a very nice boy, and he likes nice things. He understands the concept of buying the cheapest house on the block, he understands the value of a savings account, and in fact, he probably has an IRA account (or, because he’s so smart, a Roth IRA) tucked away that even Dean doesn’t know about. Plus, more importantly, Sam’s dream is to live in a place Just Like This. Or rather his dream WAS to live in a place just like this. Right now, during this ep, he just wants to find The Dad and then finish it all up to get back to his old life. Or what’s left of it.



Tricking little brother

Tricking little brother

Sam contemplates facts

Sam contemplates facts



The face

The face