You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Nightmare” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

Sammykins, on the other hand, makes a delicious priest, with his hair Brylcreemed down and his deep, green eyes paving the way for all sinners to find redemption. Oh, were I that sinner in need of saving and Sammy himself would come and wrestle for my soul. (Or wrestle me, come to that, though I have a feeling that my girly powers would be no match for the wrath of God in THOSE muscles.) When they arrive at Max’s house, he seems to know instinctively who needs saving and who he can leave to the tender though religiously inept mercies of Brother Dean. His voice takes on the right tone, his expression is sweet, and no one, and I mean but no one at that wake doubts for a minute that Sam is man of the cloth.





Dean and his toy

Dean and his toy



Dean contemplates death from his own gun

Dean contemplates death from his own gun