Dec 18
Title: The Pencil Box
Author: N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 13,909
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 9)
Summary: There’s nothing Willie’s more afraid of than the dark, yet that’s where he must go in order to get through his chores so he can earn the money to buy Polly Logan a present. He’s been invited to her birthday party, you see, and come hell or high water, Willie is determined to be there.
A/N: This story was actually written after Polly, because Nik wanted to figure out how and where Willie acquired the gift wrapped in that old, blue paper.
Willie lay in the candleglow of his bedroom, listening to the world breathing spring around him.
He could hear the rustle and click of a field mouse sorting through the cinders at the far edge of the hearth, searching for an edible crumb or two that might be lost amongst the clinkers. Two floors below, the mantle clock gonged, though he couldn’t make out the individual brassy peals to judge the hour. Somewhere closer by, a door closed. Barnabas wandering around. And here in his own bed, soft and warm and quiet, was the muted thump of Willie’s heart, resonating through the sounding board of his chest and into his waiting ear.
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Dec 18
Title: Concussion
Author: Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 12,922
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 8)
Summary: Willie’s concussion becomes very apparent when he snaps at the kids and can’t remember what Barnabas has told him to do. Even Gina Lee can’t make him slow down; it’s up to Barnabas, who brings out an old-fashioned remedy that actually works better than the prescription the doctor gave him.
A/N: Willie should get some rest, that’s all I have to say about it.
“Chocolate,” said Danny.
It was a proposal made with dignity, as only a small child could do it, his dark eyes wide and on Willie as he climbed back into Tom Pederson’s pristine Suburban.
“What, kiddo?” Willie asked, tucking the two bottles of pills and the tube of ointment in his jacket pockets along with, presumably, the receipt. Gina had never seen a man for keeping receipts as Willie was.
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Dec 18
Title: The Long Way Down
Author: N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 16,300
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 7)
Summary: Even when Willie is doing his best to be obedient, everything goes wrong when he falls off a ladder for real collapses in the grocery store. It gets even worse when Gina Lee is the one to discover him and call for an ambulance. Barnabas is non too pleased, Gina Lee is sure Barnabas is being cruel and stingy about the whole thing, and Willie just wants his headache to go away.
A/N: Part of the problem is that Nik and I felt what Polly and Danny and Gina Lee felt in that we couldn’t get enough of the boy, and we ended up torturing him beyond all reason.
There was an ominous screech of wood on wood.
A world that shifted precariously on its axis.
A moment of freefall.
And then nothing.
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Dec 18
What a terrific opportunity this is, to show our appreciation for Mr. Morgan’s brilliant talent, and a way to support a pet shelter at the same time. Click on the smaller image to bring up the info, or the large one – I put in both because people like to access information in different ways. Show the love, spread the joy, and help out some homeless dogs. : D