You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “What Is And What Should Never Be” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

There he is, mowing the lawn (badly, I might add), working his ass off on a sunny day, happy as a lark like it’s a gift to get grass dust and clippings on your pants, and to have your ears ringing for hours from the sound of the blade, and the smell of gasoline in your nose and on your fingers. And then, after, sitting on the steps, drinking a beer as he admires his handiwork and the day, and so happy, his smile beaming so brightly that it could burn your retinas if you were to look directly at it. (Luckily we have the filter of film to save us from that messy fate.) It’s all very pretty to look at, but when I think about it, about his joy in the simple act of mowing the freaking lawn, it makes my throat close up a little and I have to look away.

Trying to get Dean to wait

Trying to get Dean to wait

Beautiful when confused

Beautiful when confused

Passion and a sandwich

Passion and a sandwich

Unloved by Not-Sam

Unloved by Not-Sam

Disdain from Not-Sam

Disdain from Not-Sam

The George Bailey Scene

The George Bailey Scene

Realizing it could never be

Realizing it could never be

Not-Sam and Dean in the Impala

Not-Sam and Dean in the Impala

Seeing the truth

Seeing the truth

Defending his right to say goodbye

Defending his right to say goodbye