Feb 17
You can read my review of the movie “Friday the 13th, 2009 Remake” at pinkraygun.com.
An excerpt:
It wasn’t scary; I wasn’t scared. And I feel badly about that.
Georgeous and dizzyingly sweet….

Feb 10
You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Sex and Violence” at pinkraygun.com. Thank you!
An excerpt:
“This episode was more about the brothers than any I’ve seen in a long while. Moreover, it was about both brothers at the same time, rather than it being about one brother and the other one is off getting his teeth cleaned or something. (And they both have nice teeth, which tells you something right there.) I have a fondness for brotherly interaction, as you know, so this ep, with the Cain and Abel overtones, the spying and the lying, a whole mess of discord, not to mention a gig that takes such an interesting twist towards the end there, really worked on many, many levels. Why, I’d say it made me fall in love with Show all over again. And falling in love is such a nice feeling. All those oxytocins, does a body good and stuff. ”
Mirrors of Sam

Sam in green

Dean reads the paper…in bed

And that hair

Dean does SO read Greek poetry!


Hour of separation

Cutting Sam off



Taking stock

Feb 03
You can read my review of the Supernatural Episode “After School Special” at pinkraygun.com. Thank you!
An excerpt:
“Would it have killed Show to accommodate me and all the other fans of The Dad? Seriously. There are two measly little scenes here, one where The Dad drops the boys off and one where The Dad picks them up. There’s also one tiny, little, teeny, weeny phone call. Show could have flown Jeffrey Dean Morgan up for one stinking morning, and filmed these two scenes and this one little voice clip and sent him on his merry way with nary a bobble in his routine. From the way Mr. Morgan talks about having enjoyed working on Show, I’ll wager he would have done it for free. Or, if not, fangirls would have raised the money. What a huge missed opportunity. Huge.”
Rain-speckled Impala…and Dean

On the road with Dean

I never knew that janitors could be so sexy

Doesn’t like being a gym teacher…especially a sadistic one

Adorable WeeSammy

Defender of the Weak

Scenes we thought we’d never see…Dean on a school bus

Dithering on a school bus

Brooding Dean

Brooding Sam

Miserably unhappy Sam