Sep 29
My review of the Supernatural Episode “Free to Be You and Me” is now up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“It’s nice to see Sam like this because there’s lots and lots of Sam to see, thanks to the camera guy and the lighting guy working in tandem. Sam must have the largest seeing eyes in all the wide, wide world. And he’s luminous, glowing from within, his Samhair trailing his temples even as he’s troubled and struck by massive guilt with the weather reports about hail and fire. Here he is being smacked over the head yet again about how he was the one to start the apocalypse. Much fannish discussion is still ranging as to which brother is more to blame. I don’t think either one of them is to blame for the apocalypse in particular, since both of them were set up from the beginning and fated to play their roles like pawns in a supernatural game of chess.”
Sam in bed….

Sam crying in bed…

Dean without his Sammy…

Luminous Dean…

Searching for God…

Saying no to hunters…

Dealing with ninja angels…

Wanting to say no…

Shadows and light and paisley…

Trying to figure it out…

After the battle lost…

Fated to serve evil…

Sep 22
My review for the Supernatural Episode “Good God, Y’All!” is up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
I’ll admit to rather liking this scene, and it’s not really (only) because Sam was tied up, and he looks really good dripping wet, but because Sam got a Scene. All To Himself. Which is a marvelous thing, and a very rare animal. What’s good here is the closeups of Sam’s face. Oh, how I’ve missed this face, this kind of closeup, this kind of lighting and all for Sam. He’s all messed up and dappled with salt and blood and his eyes are enormous, like one of Margaret Keane’s big eyed children. His hair is tousled and the boy looks wrecked. Why are they more adorable like this?
Dean’s marvelous profile…‘

Not getting out of Dodge…

Dean the Gunslinger…

And Sam, the trusty sidekick…

The wanting want…

Looks good dripping wet…

Making hard choices…

Female hunters kick ass!

Who can resist The Face?

Sep 21
Pink Raygun has asked me to represent them at a SyFy Channel press event in Vancouver. Since there are so many fans of the BSG and SGA universes out there, my editors have opened the event to include fans’ questions – if you have any you would like have represented at the event, you can post them at the Pink Raygun site.
I for one want to know why they did that to Starbuck!!!!!
Sep 14
My review for the Supernatural Episode “Sympathy for the Devil” is up at
An excerpt:
“Sam is my little lovemonkey, but the best part of this scene is Dean himself, where he resists Zach, and pouts with that lovely mouth of his. And then he does a whammy on the wall to send Zach and his goons into who-knows-where. Finally, finally, we get to see a Winchester doing the derring-do with some swash and buckle, taking matters into his own hands instead of just waiting around for someone to tell him how to feel or what to think.”
Lucifer approacheth…

Please don’t apologize anymore…

Fending off rabid Samgirl…

Desperate to be castigated…

Worried about Sammy even though he’s mad…

Instantly knows it’s Meg…

Confronting asshat angels together…

Sam’s bedside manner…

Dean’s bedside manner…

Brothers with long legs…

Sep 07
My review for the Supernatural episode “All Hell Breaks Loose, Part II,” is up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“You like reunion scenes? I do. Especially when they begin like this one. Dean’s eyes are glittering as he sees Sam and hugs him hard enough to squeeze the life out of him. Sam, in his little brother way, is disoriented and complains that Dean is hugging too hard, and that’s when the lies begin. And I don’t mean one or two little white lies. I mean big whoppers that start a trend that last for the next freaking two seasons. Two seasons, people! Two WHOLE seasons of Sam and Dean prevaricating and stooping to subterfuge and all kinds of dishonest shenanigans, which leads ultimately, as I have said, to a dearth of brotherly touching. So live it up while you can, kids.”
Pictures… In the throes of grief…
Sparkly green eyes pop open…

Back to life…

Explaining about the Roadhouse…

Lit by the reflection of angel’s wings…

Talking with Sam…

Listening to Dean…

Shoot to kill…

Sam cries pretty and messy…

Contemplating The Dad crawling out of hell…

I love Sam just like this…