Nov 24
You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Abandon All Hope…” at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“There was an interesting little scene tucked away among all this. Dean spots Jo’s tight, jean-clad bottom. And like any red-blooded American male, and exactly like our biology has been programmed in us in order to ensure continuation of the species, he gets the sudden urge to spread some of his DNA around. It’s the last night of the world, after all. He saunters over to her like a tom cat and does that eyebrow thing and that glitter in his eye thing and then he does that leaning thing, all the while his mouth is moving, talking about their last night on earth, drawing her in for that kiss.”
Chiaroscuro Sammy

Chiaroscuro Dean


Looking for comfort in all the wrong places

The Colt does not work

Sam in the dark

More Sam in the dark

Still more Sam in the dark

Yet still more Sam in the dark


Nov 17
My review of the Supernatural episode “The Real Ghostbusters” is up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“As well, the other conventionalists, even in the face of Sam and Dean’s skill and experience, and even when Dean tries to tell the Faux Dean and the Faux Sam that he really is Dean, the possibility of Sam and Dean being real is denied and even laughed off. Sam and Dean remain in the shadows, incognito, but certainly not unhonored nor unsung, even though the whole convention is about them. Well, it’s about Chuck Shurley and his fans’ admiration for his work, but mostly it’s about the fans coming together to celebrate their heroes, Sam and Dean. And this they do with amicable passion, and varying amounts of skill.”
Dean and Sam attached at the hip…

Brothers in Arms

Dean looks dubious and adorable

First exposure to fans and fandom

Sam tries to explain slash to Dean

On the hunt

Sweetfaced Sammy

Saving the day

The chiaroscuro effect looks lovely on Sam

Nov 13
There is a post up at with two clips of the upcoming ep entitled “Abandon All Hope…”
Mild spoilers in the clips for guest stars and secondary character, but nothing you can’t figure out just by reading the name of the ep.
And here, there be pictures….arrrrrg! (Is it talk like a pirate day, yet?)
Dean and Thug Number One

Sam and Thug Number Two

Beautiful Boys in Peril!

Do not mess with this woman (or Dean either!)

It’s Ellen and Dean and Sam and Jo together again, yeah!

Nov 10
My review for the Supernatural episode is up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“Dean plays the naughty roommate who instead of researching their next job, spent the previous evening “researching” a hot, nubile young lady in his room. He’s all “gosh” and “gee,” and “son of a bitch,” squirming in embarrassment, trying to figure out what he should say next and wondering when it will be over. (Apparently, Dean’s not watched enough sitcoms to know that no matter what you say, the laugh track will always be there.) And all the while, Sam looks on in disparagement, with his arms akimbo and his mouth screwed into a scowl; he’s the straight man here, holding Dean to all those rules that Dean will break, but only when it’s funny.”
Much fun to be had (and I love seeing them like this!)

Serious Sam (oh so very serious)

Serious Dean

Paging Dr. Sexy Sam

Dean is so cute when he fangirls…

Beaten by the nutcracker (Poor Sammy!)

Sam’s money shot

Dean’s money shot

Talking to Sam the Carr

A Trickster in the Rain

Nov 03
My review of the Supernatural episode “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester” is up at Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“Then there’s the poker game itself, where we got to observe and observe and (yawn) observe other people playing. We got to watch cards being shuffled, and poker chips being pushed across the table till I thought I was going to go mad. We even got close-ups of chips being pushed across the table, long, drawn out, loving and perfectly focused, needless and uninteresting close-ups of chips being pushed across the table. Lord, it was better than 5-Hydroxytryptophan for falling asleep.”
Sammy in a suit…

Dean in a suit…

Dean listens…

Beautiful lighting on a beautiful face…

Sam has a happy moment…(for once!)

Playing the player…

When love is at risk…

God, I love the shadows in this picture…

Don’t mess with Sam!

Don’t mess with Dean either!