Oct 26
My review of the Supernatural episode “Live Free or Twihard” is up at pinkraygun.com. Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“But, most importantly, we see Sam and Dean drinking beer together. It’s so unusual that Dean actually comments on it. He says, “When’s the last time we had a beer together anyway?” Sam, who doesn’t appear to appreciate the brotherly moment, doesn’t answer, but instead jerks his chin at the vampires he thinks he sees. So, what, like, you can tell someone’s a vampire just by looking at them now, Sam? In a bar full of people pretending to be vampires, you can spot the real ones? Pull the other ones, it’s got bells on. A vampire’s best strategy is fitting in with the local population, so I hardly think it’s likely, what Sam’s doing.”
Oct 19
My review of the Supernatural episode “Weekend at Bobby’s” is up at pinkraygun.com. Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“After watching this ep, I still don’t like MB. I still think he’s overused, inorganic, and retconned. I still think he rescues Sam and Dean far too often, like, all the time, and I am so frakking tired of how he does the boys’ their research for them. But. If the glimpse I got of Bobby Singer in this episode is what Bobby-fans are seeing all the time? Then I can completely get why they adore him.”
Oct 12
My review for the Supernatural episode “The Third Man” is up at pinkraygun.com. Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“More proof of this is Dean’s pleasure at having Sam back at his side. This is amply demonstrated when Sam’s bad boy has been bashed to bits in the angel puddle battle. Instead of commiserating with Sam, Dean says, casually, “Okay, silver lining.” Because, as you can see, if Sam has no car, he must sit in the Sam Seat once again, and join Dean inside the confines of the Impala as the two brothers rocket down the road. I get that Show felt it had to build up to this point in the story line, that they wanted to give us all a momentary concern to up the ante, but really. This is all we want, the rest of it is just window dressing.”
Oct 12
My meta on the current issue on copyright infringement, which includes a statement by morgandawn , is up at pinkraygun.com.
Evidently, your government wants to allow itself to shut down your website or blog if it feels its engaging in “infringing activity.” And it’s not pretty.
Oct 05
My review for the Supernatural episode “Two and a Half Men” is up at pinkraygun.com. Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“Let’s talk about Lisa, which is just about as bad, because, frankly, I can’t seem to pin her down. Is she a good influence or is she just a millstone around Dean’s neck? She certainly seems to represent home and hearth, if not to Dean, then at least to the viewers, and yeah, to Sam. I’m pretty sure Dean likes her, is fond of her and Ben, and he really wants to keep them safe. But however many roots he’s planted, his feet seem mighty itchy. Otherwise, why would he come so quickly when Sam whistles for him? I’m not complaining, ye ken, I’m just pointing it out. Dean tries to be all coy over the phone, but even though Sam can’t see his face, he knows that even though Dean’s saying no, no with that lovely mouth of his, he’s saying yes, yes with his eyes. And his heart.”