You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “The Pilot” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

The road trip the boys take gives us even more good story telling and factoids woven in rather than being part of some stiff exposition. The car, for starters, is just THERE, and it is never explained why on earth the Boys are driving a car that’s surely got over 100,000 miles on it, gets terrible gas mileage (12 MPG), and is almost 40 years old. There’s the oft-told story of how Kripke was going to use a late ’60’s model Ford Mustang but decided in favor of the kind of car that when it pulls up beside you at a lonely intersection, you’d be rolling up your windows right quick. Plus, there’s more room in an Impala to store everything the Boys need. Not to mention, you could put six dead bodies in the trunk. If you stacked them right.

Defying authority, of course

Defying authority, of course

Finding answers

Finding answers

Sam and St. Jessica

Sam and St. Jessica

No chick flick moments

No chick flick moments

Flashlight guy

Flashlight guy

On the hunt

On the hunt