The following is a list of my Dark Shadows fanfiction. The list also includes fanfiction by N.J. Nidiffer who, sadly, passed away on December 13, 2008. I’d been planning for some time to post all of the stories we write together, and now seemed like a good time, as a way of honoring her talent, and to remember her by, as I tend to scan through stories as I post them.

Gina Lee Series

Deep Water by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 3,354
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 1)
Summary: Willie picks up a local village woman and her kids after their car breaks down in a storm. And, of course, seeing as this is a story about Willie, bad things happen after that.
A/N: My friend Nik wrote this story, and I thought it was a very good story, so much so that I was inspired to write a sequel of sorts, called Tree, where more bad things happen.

Tree by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 11,210
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 2)
Summary: Willie’s doing his best at the Old House, but he accidentally cuts down the tree that Josette planted many, many years ago. Barnabas, of course, punishes him, and then demands that he get rid of the wood. Willie, for some reason, decides that it would be a good idea to give the wood to the widow, Gina Lee Logan, as well as Sam Evans, to keep them warm through the winter.
A/N: It was Nik who said she wanted a development of a snippet of a scene from another story, where Willie references the time Barn locked him in the cellar, in the dark. She wanted to know why Barn would do that. Well, cutting down that damned tree is why, of course!

Gina Lee by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 7,455
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 3)
Summary: Willie once helped out Gina Lee, now she wants to invite him home to lunch to repay him. But even that simple act is fraught with problems.
A/N: By this time, the Gina Lee verse was up and running, taking on a life of its own. When she wrote this installment, Nik admitted to me that she was leaving threads and breadcrumbs strewn about on the hopes that I would pick one of them up and make a story about it. Of course I did, because I was as much in love with these characters as she was.

Giving Thanks by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count:  18,182
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 4)
Summary: It is Thanksgiving time, and Gina Lee, who has extra pies in her kitchen, brings one to Willie at the Old House. Entertaining guests is not within servant’s rights, so Barnabas pitches a fit and then punishes Willie. Only trouble is, now Willie needs to return the pie pan, which he does, and then it gets worse from there.
A/N: I had to call my brother in law to find out what they used to call Thanksgiving back in Barnabas’ day, and of course he knew, because he’s totally cool like that. As for Barnabas, he never could appreciate a nice Pilgrim hat.

Trial by Fire by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count:  7,243
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 5)
Summary: Willie has struck a bargain with Barnabas in which Barnabas will let Gina Lee and her babies live only if Willie behaves himself 100% for the rest of his life. Since Willie wasn’t born into bonded servitude, he has a hard time struggling under the yoke or staying away from Gina Lee.
A/N: There’s a friendship growing between Willie and Gina Lee that’s so strong, neither Nik nor I were able to resist writing about it.

Winter’s Gift by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count:  22,823
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 6)
Summary:  It’s Christmas time, and Gina is determined to keep her friendship with Willie, even if he’s doing his best to avoid her. But then, her house burns down, and Willie is sure that Barnabas is responsible. He’s no longer on his very best behavior and rebels, not knowing that Gina did not die in the fire. Gina, for her part, comes up to the Old House and stirs up the pot a little when she realizes that Barnabas was not responsible for her having wood to warm her through the winter.
A/N: Gina turned into our little wolverine in this story, and she can’t stand that Barnabas Collins, which made it even more fun.

The Long Way Down by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 16,300
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 7)
Summary: Even when Willie is doing his best to be obedient, everything goes wrong when he falls off a ladder for real collapses in the grocery store. It gets even worse when Gina Lee is the one to discover him and call for an ambulance. Barnabas is non too pleased, Gina Lee is sure Barnabas is being cruel and stingy about the whole thing, and Willie just wants his headache to go away.
A/N: Part of the problem is that Nik and I felt what Polly and Danny and Gina Lee felt in that we couldn’t get enough of the boy, and we ended up torturing him beyond all reason.

Concussion by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 12,922
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee # 8
Summary: Willie’s concussion becomes very apparent when he snaps at the kids and can’t remember what Barnabas has told him to do. Even Gina Lee can’t make him slow down; it’s up to Barnabas, who brings out an old-fashioned remedy that actually works better than the prescription the doctor gave him.
A/N: Willie should get some rest, that’s all I have to say about it.

The Pencil Box by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 13,909
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 9)
Summary: There’s nothing Willie’s more afraid of than the dark, yet that’s where he must go in order to get through his chores so he can earn the money to buy Polly Logan a present. He’s been invited to her birthday party, you see, and come hell or high water, Willie is determined to be there.
A/N: This story was actually written after Polly, because Nik wanted to figure out how and where Willie acquired the gift wrapped in that old, blue paper.

Polly by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 8,287
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 10)
Summary: Polly has a birthday party, and though Willie’s gift to her seems dopey at first, it turns out to be her favorite: drawing pencils. She draws him a picture and then takes it upon herself to deliver the drawing to the Old House in person. Barnabas comes upon the two of them, and Polly knows right away that he’s the mean, mean boss because he won’t admire the new scratch on her knee. Willie takes her home and is in plenty of trouble for having uninvited guests.
A/N: Oh, my god this kid gets herself into almost as much trouble as Willie does!

A Perilous Guard by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 8,483
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 11)
Summary: In this parallel story to Polly, Willie must deal with the repercussions of having an uninvited visitor to the Old House. And it doesn’t matter that she’s only seven years old and didn’t mean any harm, Willie will go to the ends of the earth to protect her.
A/N: I couldn’t resist telling Polly’s story from Willie’s POV.

Small Treasures by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 4,062
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 12)
Summary: Barnabas contemplates Polly Logan, who is nothing like his dead sister Sarah. Yet, at the same time, she seems to inspire the same sort of affection from Willie that Barnabas had for his sister.
A/N: Nik took the Polly story and did Barn’s version of it. Barn hates everything, but he has a hard time hating Polly, much as he’d like to.

Last Word by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count:  13,041
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 13)
Summary: Gina Lee determines that the best thing for her family is if they all move out to California. Willie is devastated. Barnabas is predictably less than sympathetic.
A/N: This is probably one of the saddest stories in the whole bunch.

To Feed on Rose Petals by Sylvia Bond
Word Count:  7,673
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 14)
Summary: Unbeknownst to Barnabas, his servant Willie has been receiving letters from his pen pal in California. Trouble is, Willie’s not been answering those letters, and it’s going to look like Barnabas can’t control his servant. So he makes Willie sit down and write something.
A/N: Barn always has to be in control! (And secretly, this is one of my favorite stories of this verse.)

Counting Costs by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 3,117
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 15)
Summary: Willie receives a terrible phone call from Gina Lee. Polly’s been hurt, is in the hospital, and might die. He’s promises Gina that he’ll be there as soon as he can, even though there’s no way he can do this.
A/N: I was in tears the first time I read this.

Love’s Embrace by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 9,235
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 16)
Summary: Willie has to ask for permission to go out to California to visit the Logan family. He manages it, yes, but at some great cost.
A/N: This is my other favorite because it was interesting to set things up so that Barn would have to let Willie go.

Connections by N.J. Nidiffer
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 13,010
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 17)
Summary: Willie travels to California by plane, and arrives to find the Logan family in pieces. He’s there to put them back together again, though he can barely stand himself.
A/N: Poor Willie!

Home Among the Dead by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 22,262
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 18)
Summary: Willie visits the Logan family in California and does his best to take care of them. Unfortunately, he’s only got a week, because Barnabas is expecting him back. Gina doesn’t want him to go and Willie doesn’t want to leave her. But with Barnabas’ threats hanging over his head, each day brings him closer to the ultimate parting.
A/N: Barnabas deserves a stake through the heart for being such a jerk. Perhaps, one day, he’ll get what he deserves.

The Gift of the Master by Sylvia Bond
Genre/Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 10,800
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Verse: Gina Lee (# 19)
Summary: It’s Christmas time. Again. Done Collinwood style, with too much work for Willie, and not enough heat in that damn Old House.
A/N: This was a fun story on account of Barn being a little nicer than usual. Plus it was fun to work with what would be in those wrapped packages under the tree. Of course, the story is still dark, I haven’t gotten all soft, even if it is the holidays.

Shells by N.J. Nidiffer

Stone by N.J. Nidiffer

Water by Sylvia Bond