My review of the Supernatural episode “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

Sam and Dean arrive at a cemetery to dig up Clay’s grave. Or at least, they dig up a coffin, which turns out to be empty, and a very fine sight it was. The digging, I mean, not the coffin. I love watching the boys at work together, doing physical labor like this and I think that’s for two reasons. One, they’re beautiful when they’re all sweating and grunting and manly and stuff. And two, because the digging up of a grave in the middle of the night harkens back to a more innocent time, when saving people, hunting things was all there was to it, and we didn’t have any of this, “and oh, yes, we’re hiding out from Lucifer, and trying to say no to the AA. Michael, and waiting to get shafted by the holy host, etc.”

 Trying on the charm…

Trying on the charm…

Dithering in the car…

Dithering in the car…

Flashlights in the graveyard…

Flashlights in the graveyard…



And digging some more…

And digging some more…



Dean in jail…

Dean in jail…

Love that snap button shirt…

Love that snap button shirt…

And those long legs…

And those long legs…





Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty when he’s in charge…

Pretty when he’s in charge…