Jul 20
I’ve written a review of Sam Rockwell’s new movie “Moon,” and you can read it here, at pinkraygun.com.
Thank you!
An excerpt:
“The two exceptions to this mostly male cast are Tess, Sam’s wife, and Eve, Sam’s daughter, who are never seen in real time. It’s like Gladiator all over again! But seriously, I didn’t need to recognize that pattern to know that this movie was written by a guy – the focus (Oh, the FOCUS!) on female boobage is a dead giveaway. Only in a man’s (Sam’s) fantasy is a woman’s underwear the subject of fetish-like detail: here it is pure white, and trimmed with lace and a pink ribbon. On the other hand, we don’t get to see Sam’s underwear at all, so my question of boxers or briefs goes unanswered. (The union suit does not count.)”
May 11
Oh, my WORD this was a good movie! So good that I went to see it multiple times during opening weekend. I also wrote a review for Pink Raygun, which you can read here.
Here are some additional pics that didn’t make it into the review….
James Tiberius Kirk

A leap of faith…or desperation

Young Turk

My own true loves…

Star Trek Past and Present

Not always cool, but…

….always resourceful

Mar 11
My review of the movie “The Watchmen” is up at pinkraygun.com for your reading enjoyment.
Feb 17
You can read my review of the movie “Friday the 13th, 2009 Remake” at pinkraygun.com.
An excerpt:
It wasn’t scary; I wasn’t scared. And I feel badly about that.
Georgeous and dizzyingly sweet….

Jan 23
My review of the movie My Bloody Valentine is now posted at Pink Raygun, and it’s called “The Insanity that Coal Dust Makes.” Enjoy!
An excerpt:
“Outside of the fact that, overall, no one seems to be initiating a man hunt for the killer (everyone just goes blithely about their business of existing in a town that’s crumbling around them), when confronted with the killer, people tended to do what all horror movie characters do, and that is to start running, heading for the one spot where they would be dead-ended, and the only way out means they have to get past the killer. In this movie, that’s the Hanniger Mine. This town is obsessed with its mine, and when in doubt or on the run, instead of hiding in a culvert, a ditch, or up a tree in the deep, cloaking darkness of a Pennsylvania forest, everyone heads there. But that’s because the mine is where the killer is, don’t you know, and because there seems to be some insanity brought on by too much coal dust that gives everyone the blind sense of a homing pigeon, home is Mine Shaft #5. Alas. Everyone reaps what their stupidity has sowed. But, since this is what horror movies are all about, I can’t hardly complain when the movie does exactly what it’s supposed to.“
Nov 24
I recently saw the trailer for the new Star Trek movie due to come out in May, 2009, and wrote a little peice about it. Here it be at pinkraygun.com. Enjoy!