Supernatural Episode Review: I Know What You Did Last Summer
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An excerpt:
“Sam is a mess, and while it was most assuredly the script that indicates this, it’s Padalecki who stomps perfectly through the squalid squat where Sam is holing up, his slightly unfocused and bleary eyes not seeing the peeling wallpaper or the scuttle of cockroaches or the moldy, lead-based paint, nor even his own lack of grooming and self-care. All the time Padalecki is making Sam stare into the middle distance, at the wreck of his Dean-less world, I had the comfortable feeling that Padalecki gets it. That he understands his character so well that the ramifications of Sam’s loosing Dean come out through every pore, every twitch, every sideways roll of his eyes; every breath Padalecki takes contains the litany of Sam’s ever-present and suicidal grief. “
Against the ecclesiastical purple