Archive for the 'Supernatural' Category

No Exit: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “No Exit” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

“Lord, no one can glare like that boy. It’s like watching a pit bull watching you from the other side of the fence. If he could get at you through the holes in the chain link, he would. Same here with Jo. And I can’t figure if he’s peeved simply because she’s there, making herself useless and obnoxious, or whether it’s because she’s SO got the hots for Dean, and for some reason that bothers Sam. Not that he’s opposed to seeing Dean hook up, gracious, he’s seen that plenty of times. But I think it’s Jo herself that bothers him with her whole “I come from a hunter family, therefore, I am one of you.” She’s got notions of grandeur, and pretensions of belonging, she’s a poseur and so durn obvious. But Sam’s a gentleman, so he merely glares.”

Almost on the road

Almost on the road







And I will still be here

And I will still be here

Cement trucks rule!

Cement trucks rule!

Simon Said: A Supernatural Episode Review

Fanfiction, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Simon Said: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Simon Said” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

“The last of the visions comes during the car right at night. I envy Andy in this scene as Dean drives along; I like to imagine what must it be like to be able to hang out in the back seat of the Impala like that. Or to lean forward over the back seat like that, close enough to see the lights on the dash and know exactly how FAST Dean is going. To dither away like you’re one of the gang, and have that exciting feeling that maybe you’ve found some new, cool friends to play with. Well, the fun doesn’t last long and as the vision is upon Sam, Dean stops the car so fast it’s a wonder all of them didn’t go through the windshield. Plus, he sprints around that car like he’s in some psycho version of car musical chairs. It’s also very sweet to watch how Sam turns to Dean immediately, for comfort and for something to hold onto. Someone who understands. For Sam, Dean is the ultimate home base.”

Can’t Stop Talking

Can’t Stop Talking



Cutting a handsome line

Cutting a handsome line

Catching a redwood tree

Catching a redwood tree



You’re my home

You’re my home

Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

Sam, of course, knows better, and back at the motel, the boys have a major dither as Sam calls his brother to task. I’m sure it must be getting old for him trying to make Dean talk, trying to make him admit that the whole hunt is just a part of Dean’s Denial, and if Dean could just admit THAT, he could move on to the next stage, whatever that is. Again I am distracted because the lighting is such that the blue of Dean’s shirt (a color which he should wear, like, all the time. That is, when he’s not wearing olive green, or that nice, rather tight, grey t-shirt I know he’s got rolled up in that duffle somewhere) makes his skin glow and his eyes glitter. Plus he’s so beautiful when he’s pissed, his Angry Eyes are just amazing here. Then he announces that he’s going to get a drink. By himself, which as you know is when the succubus gets you. (And why hasn’t show had a succubus for the MOW, I ask you?)

Watchnig me watching you

Watchnig me watching you

Brown as a berry

Brown as a berry

Unearthly beautiful

Unearthly beautiful

Another sidewalk dither

Another sidewalk dither

Wanting to help

Wanting to help

Turning away

Turning away

Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Supernatural Comments Off on Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Bloodlust” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

How on EARTH can a man look so good with blood and ichor on his face like that? It’s bad enough that Ackles is already more beautiful than this Earth should allow; the blood, you would think, should somehow dehumanize him so that we can see the hunter within and be appalled by it. For I’m sure that’s what the scene is meant to do, what it’s supposed to do, and Sam’s look of HORROR just adds to this – we’re supposed to be up close and personal with the ugly, ugly mechanics of hunting and be worried or disgusted or put off. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Watch this scene and try to believe that. Better yet, sit next to a fangirl and listen as she watches this scene. You’ll hear it: GUH. It’s the sound of her lungs contracting, and her stomach clenching up, and her thighs igniting on fire, and maybe some other things too that I’m too polite to mention. That’s how good this scene is.

A hunting we will go

A hunting we will go

Feeling like the dog’s dinner

Feeling like the dog’s dinner

Sammy on his own

Sammy on his own

Young reporter

Young reporter

No Stairway Anthology – First Issue

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The No Stairway Anthology has just posted its first issue, and there are many, many fine stories to read. I’m pleased to say that “Out of Harm’s Way” is one of them. The basic premise of the anthology is as follows:

“The No Stairway Anthology is a collection of fiction, posted in digests of ten stories, presented in full by pre-posted publishing dates. The goal of the Anthology is to showcase fan works that are considered solid, appealing, original in theme or execution, re-readable, literary, and well executed. We accept Gen, Het, Slash and RPF/RPS works of between 1,000 and 10,000 words. Works previously published online or in ‘Zines are welcome, as are new works.”

Here’s the link: 

Click on “Current Issue.” 


Everybody Loves a Clown: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Everybody Loves a Clown: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Everybody Loves a Clown” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

“It’s lovely, as well, to see the boys bathed in this golden afternoon. Their hair is lit up by an aureole of light, their skin, pale from lack of exposure to the sun, glows like warm marble. You can see eyelashes, and freckles, golden specks in green eyes, it’s like a cornucopia of small details that we usually don’t get to see because for SOME reason, every where they go, it’s rainy and cloudy. Who knows how long they walk but they don’t seem to think anything of it, they just walk, the way you imagined people used to do before cars became everyday objects. Plus, it amazes me the things that they are not carrying. I know they travel light, but all they have is two duffels and one backpack. That’s their whole lives, everything they need, right there. Yeah, sure, there’s more stuff back in the Impala (or perhaps in boxes at Bobby’s place), but if they traveled any lighter, all they’d have between them was a paper bag with two toothbrushes in it.”


 Bright Sam

Bright Sam

Doesn’t want regular

Doesn’t want regular



Not dealing with it

Not dealing with it



Not getting the message across

Not getting the message across

Major dither

Major dither

Time Is On My Side: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Time Is On My Side: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Time Is On My Side” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

Dean visits Rufus Turner, an isolated, solitary hunter with a taste for Johnny Walker Blue. I think this was one of my favorite scenes for this ep, in spite of the introduction of a character I was sure was going to get whacked before the last set of commercials. Rufus had a way about him that, combined with his velvet voice and his audacity to call Dean “kid,” had me listening to him intently. I had a feeling he knew what Dean was about from the get go because his ability to create drama and then heighten that drama by flapping Bella’s folder in front of Dean had all the earmarks of a master storyteller. And Dean, as well, was adorable when riveted like that, taking in the knowledge that Rufus is giving him. (That they’re both half-drunk by this time adds to the charm. Plus Rufus called Bella a “skinny, stuck up, English girl.” You GO, Rufus!)

Getting the file

Getting the file

Catching Sam in a lie

Catching Sam in a lie

Getting caught lying

Getting caught lying

Goodbye Dean

Goodbye Dean

It must be Thursday

It must be Thursday

Getting the facts

Getting the facts

Long Distance Call: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Long Distance Call: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Long Distance Call” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

However, Wardrobe needs to realize that Sam is now a strapping tall lad with pecs out to there and shoulders as wide as an axe handle. We’ve seen the pictures. He can pound nails with his neck. He can decapitate a vampire man with a piece of wire and his bare hands. To pretend otherwise is to attempt to ignore the changes that Sam has gone through. To expect the audience to ignore the changes as well is to do us a disservice. We’re not blind. Oh, we’d happily go blind staring at Sam’s physique, yes indeed. But we’re not blind. (Plus, if Show wants Sam to look young and harmless? Then they need to bring back The Bangs. Get Makeup involved and check out pics of Season One. Now there, you got you some classic Samhair. With bangs.)

 Faithful unto death

Faithful unto death

Hands in pockets

Hands in pockets

I’m in love with my car

I’m in love with my car

Motel room dither

Motel room dither

On the phone to The Dad

On the phone to The Dad





Ghostfacers: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, Supernatural Comments Off on Ghostfacers: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Ghostfacers” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

And maybe it’s just me, but I thought it would have been cool for Dean to go on and on in response to Spruce’s question about the fact that Dean only has two months. There’s another missed opportunity here. I mean, it’s dark in that basement, there’s only Dean and Spruce, and Dean can easily discount Spruce on account of he’s not going to be much help finding Sam. And he does, after all, start talking when Spruce asks him the question. I’ve seen him do it before, this talking thing. He opens his mouth and out the words come. Why not let him continue and give us some insight as to what’s going on in that beautiful head of his? Oh Show. You continue to deny me. 

Flashlights are go!

Flashlights are go!

Consulting without words

Consulting without words

In the spotlight

In the spotlight

Sam hard at work

Sam hard at work

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

Sexy at dawn

Sexy at dawn

In My Time of Dying: A Supernatural Episode Review

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Kripke, Pink Ray Gun, Supernatural Comments Off on In My Time of Dying: A Supernatural Episode Review

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “In My Time of Dying” at Thank you!

Sam tells The Dad about hearing Dean. The Dad is not condescending when he answers, not quite. Anything is possible, as he says, and he must know, having seen it all. Sam here is in obedient son mode. He’s looking to his dad for answers. But he already knows the answer, right? Yeah, it’s the magic talking board. This is one of my favorite scenes in this ep. The first thing out of Sam’s mouth when he brings the board out of the bag in Dean’s room is, “Don’t make fun of me for this, but….” Which as anyone can tell you gives your siblings free license to do JUST that. Dean is dubious, but he goes along with it as he tends to do with Sam. As he always tends to do with Sam. 

 Listening to the doctor

Listening to the doctor



Listening to Sam

Listening to Sam

Listening to Dean

Listening to Dean

Not listening

Not listening

Running errands

Running errands

Confronting the reaper

Confronting the reaper