Archive for the 'Supernatural' Category

Provenance: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Provenance” at Thank you!

A Few Good Men: Reality and Me

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What started out as a simple convention turned into my friend and me planning an impromptu visit to the theater. We got tickets to Casa Manana for two shows of A Few Good Men, the Saturday Matinee, and the Sunday evening performance. Read the rest of this entry »

Supernatural: Finding the Heart of it All

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I was asked what made me cry watching Supernatural. Lots of people mentioned the closing scene in Heart, and I agree, and wanted to share how it affected me enough to make me an SPN fan. Here’s the story: Read the rest of this entry »

Fanfiction: Out of Harm’s Way

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Out of Harm’s Way
Rating: Gen/G
Wordcount: 14,616
Summary:  Ramona Blessing meets up with the Winchester boys and becomes someone new in the process.
Author’s Notes: Oh man, this story was so much fun, and just seemed to come all of a peice. I had thought I would be writing stories about the boys as they are in the show, but after seeing Something Wicked about 20 times, I could not resist the whole idea of writing about the Weecheseters.

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Hell House: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review of “Hell House” at Pink Ray Gun. Thank you!

Skin: A Supernatural Episode Review

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You can read my review about the Supernatural episode “Skin” at Pink Ray Gun. Thank you!