Archive for the 'Supernatural' Category

Supernatural Episode Review: Point of No Return

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Point of No Return” is up at


An excerpt:

“The walls of this little dive are a deep green, and Dean is dressed in black and grey, all the tones of which make his skin paper white, as if he’s experiencing a shock from which he cannot recover. (And frankly, green is such a good color for Dean. It makes his eyes bright and his mouth lush and ashen rose, just like the best heroine in a romance novel. But I like him this way, even if he is about to die.) Every little detail points to Dean saying his last goodbyes before he says yes, but all I have to say is, he sure as hell better be writing that letter to SAM, even if he is addressing the box to Magical Bobby. Because, yes, even if Sam doesn’t have a fixed address, Sam is one of the most prized and valued things in Dean’s life. And I have the episode right here to prove it.”


Dean against the green…


Dean against the green…


Sam all rosy and flushed…


Sam all rosy and flushed…


Just about as beautiful a boy as you would ever want to see…


Just about as beautiful a boy as you would ever want to see…


Looking to Sam for the truth…


Looking to Sam for the truth…


Bringing with him high expectations for Dean…


Bringing with him high expectations for Dean…


Looking pretty adorable whilst locked in the Panic Room…

Looking pretty adorable whilst locked in the Panic Room…


Being Dean…


Being Dean…


And being Sam…


And being Sam…


Damsel in distress, he makes it look easy…


Damsel in distress, he makes it look easy…


And I couldn’t decide between these two, they were both so pretty and the Samhair was so perfect…so I included both of them! 


Samhair Number One


Samhair Number One


Samhair Number Two


Samhair Number Two

Supernatural Episode Review: 99 Problems

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My review for the Supernatural episode is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Sam and Dean have a dither at one of the tables. Sam’s Samhair is in full force, making his face look all sculpted, with his strong, manly jawline coming across to me like an erotic shock. Oh, dear me, his mouth is so rosy and sweet, and he just keeps moving it as he talks. And as for Dean, he’s lit up and all green eyed and sparkly, and his eyebrows say yes, yes, while his lips say no, no, and it’s almost too much. Really, both of them being this beautiful at the same time should be against the law. What are they talking about? Oh, yes.”


Sam is bloody AND amazing…


Sam is bloody AND amazing…


And his Samhair always looks good…


And his Samhair always looks good…


Just as Dean is always pretty…


Just as Dean is always pretty…


Sam and his Samhair at the bar…


Sam and his Samhair at the bar…


A toast to beer and each other…


A toast to beer and each other…


More dithering…in bed…


More dithering…in bed…


Dubious Dean…


Dubious Dean…


Sensual Sam…


Sensual Sam…


Dean kills the Whore…


Dean kills the Whore…


Supernatural Episode Review: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Post-fireworks, Dean drives off in the Impala, through the night, along a two-lane blacktop road. Overhead, is a full moon, and a sky full of stars. Which, as you know, is impossible, even if it is very pretty. But since this is heaven, since this is Dean’s heaven, the full moon is big enough and close enough to touch, all silver and blazing with moon dust. And around it, the stars sparkle white against the black and dark purple, like diamonds against velvet. This for Dean is a perfect night, this for Dean is perfection, and such a simple perfection it is, something that money and power cannot buy, and so right for Dean’s character, that he would choose this. Oh Dean, be it ever thus.”

Sam…about to be dead, but dear me, he’s pretty…

Sam…about to be dead, but dear me, he’s pretty…

Dean…about to join his brother in heaven…

Dean…about to join his brother in heaven…

Sam, playing at Happy Family

Sam, playing at Happy Family

Dean’s always been a good hugger…

Dean’s always been a good hugger…

Waiting for his life to begin…and for a bite of pb&j…

Waiting for his life to begin…and for a bite of pb&j…

The Night Sam Left for Stanford (Yes, in all caps!)

The Night Sam Left for Stanford (Yes, in all caps!)

Still not saying yes to the meatsuit idea…

Still not saying yes to the meatsuit idea…

Understands the soulmate concept…

Understands the soulmate concept…

Smirks after kisses…

Smirks after kisses…

Carrying the faith for Dean…

Carrying the faith for Dean…

Supernatural Episode Review: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

Sam and Dean arrive at a cemetery to dig up Clay’s grave. Or at least, they dig up a coffin, which turns out to be empty, and a very fine sight it was. The digging, I mean, not the coffin. I love watching the boys at work together, doing physical labor like this and I think that’s for two reasons. One, they’re beautiful when they’re all sweating and grunting and manly and stuff. And two, because the digging up of a grave in the middle of the night harkens back to a more innocent time, when saving people, hunting things was all there was to it, and we didn’t have any of this, “and oh, yes, we’re hiding out from Lucifer, and trying to say no to the AA. Michael, and waiting to get shafted by the holy host, etc.”

 Trying on the charm…

Trying on the charm…

Dithering in the car…

Dithering in the car…

Flashlights in the graveyard…

Flashlights in the graveyard…



And digging some more…

And digging some more…



Dean in jail…

Dean in jail…

Love that snap button shirt…

Love that snap button shirt…

And those long legs…

And those long legs…





Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty when he’s in charge…

Pretty when he’s in charge…

Me and My Two Minds: Musings on a Sixth Season for Supernatural

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I had some thoughts about the sixth season for Supernatural, and you can read them at


Supernatural Episode Review: My Bloody Valentine

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My review of the Supernatural episode “My Bloody Valentine” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

The Soap Angel explains that it’s Cupid at work, and there’s something gone haywire with the results because a hungry love turns into a devouring love, literally. One of my first thoughts was, naughtily, that since Sam and Dean have this weird, brotherly, love-hate thing going on, and they tend to be a little obsessed with each other 24/7, would they then succumb to that and become each other’s valentines? Would the eating then start? I kept waiting for it, some indication, a movement of the mouth (Dean’s) or a look from beneath dark brows (Sam’s) that would take the story into a deliciously dangerous direction. Alas, no, though I feel fairly certain that I’m not the only one who thought this.”

Supernatural Episode Review: The Song Remains the Same

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My review of the Supernatural episode “The Song Remains the Same” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

So then Sam gets to say what’s in his heart and in his soul about how much he loves John, even in spite of him being a not so very good dad sometimes. I love Sam’s speech about John to John to pieces and then some, so I’m including it here in its entirety: “He was trying. He died trying. I used to be mad at him, I used to hate the guy. But now I get it, he was just doing the best he could. See, my mom she was amazing…she was the love of his life. When she got killed, and I think he would have gone crazy if he didn’t do something. Truth is my dad died before I got to tell him that I understand why he did what he did and I forgive him for what it did to us, I do. I just…I love him.”

Supernatural Episode Review: Swap Meat

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My review of the Supernatural episode Swap Meat is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Then we are treated to a whole slew of scenes where Sam is in Gary’s body, and Gary is in Sam’s body, and then the fun starts. Every respectable TV show should have a body-swap ep, and this is Show’s. Although, to be frank, it would have been more fun had Dean and Sam swapped bodies with each other. With Ackles and Padalecki’s high level of comedic talent, and their familiarity with each other’s motions and gestures and speech patterns, it would have been a hoot and a half! So that’s one for the suggestion box, I think, and what with the rumors flying about a sixth season, maybe Show will take another stab at the body-swap idea and give us all a treat.”

Supernatural Episode Review: Sam Interrupted

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Sam, Interrupted” is up at Enjoy!

 An excerpt:

“Later, Dean comes to visit Sam in his room. (His private room, right? Yeah, uh-huh, sure.) Anyway, it’s a pretty cool scene because it gets all up close and personal. Dean’s tightly wound as a clock. Sam’s sprawled in the bed, all splayed thighs and messy Samhair. But more, because Sam pumped with stuff is like Sam drunk, and a drunk Sam is a more honest Sam. This is a particularly nice flavor, because when Sam is honest, he calls it like he sees it.”

Delay in review for Supernatural Episode 5.11 till Thursday…

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