Supernatural Episode Review: Exile on Main St.

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Exile on Main St” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

I don’t think Show made Sam into Pod Sam accidentally, of course, so I figure there must be some reason for this shift in Sam. So maybe, like I said before, it has to do with what happened to him in hell. Or, in a more sinister vein, maybe he’s still Lucky; that inside of Sam the Morning Star is still calling the shots, and casting his hellish net to lure Dean into a sense of false security. He certainly has that “Hi, I’m Lucky on the inside” expression on his face when he hugs Dean, because Sam’s eyes are all green and glittery and he’s got that little smirk going on. (Which Padalecki does so well, every time; it makes me want to stand up shout.) Another red herring? I feel comfortable that Show will take it one way or the other, at least eventually.”

Supernatural Episode Review: Swan Song

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Swan Song” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Sam and Dean drive off in the Impala. In the rain. There’s some cool chiaroscuro lighting on rain-dappled faces, and for me it really doesn’t get any better than this. The boys discuss Dean’s bad feelings about their plans, and then Sam talks seriously to Dean, but not about last words of goodbye. It’s not that all the words between them have been said and there’s nothing more to say. It’s that between them they are saying it, and have been saying it, hello, and goodbye, and I love you, every minute of every day. So there’s no point saying it if it’s already being said. I really liked this scene, obviously.”




































Supernatural Episode Review: Two Minutes to Midnight

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Two Minutes to Midnight” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“MB starts handing out intel, like how many people will die in the upcoming disaster in Chicago, like it’s candy. Even as I’m wondering how he knows this, Sam asks the obvious question, how did you put all this together, anyways? Just as I’m about to suspect that MB went ahead and made that deal with the crossroads demon, ta-da, in walks Crowley. It’s predictable but fun. It also means that Sam is the only one who hasn’t made a crossroads deal, though not for lack of trying. And then, just as I’m about to ask the most obvious next question, Sam asks it for me. He got the expression of a 12 year old looking at the innards of dead animal he’s just discovered run over in the road. It’s terribly gross to contemplate, but he just can’t help himself, so Sam looks at MB and says, “Did you kiss him?” (So cute.)”

Supernatural Episode Review: The Devil You Know

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My review of the Supernatural episode “The Devil You Know” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Sam is full of Dutch courage (desperate and wound up the entire time) and starts implying what he thinks he ought to do. The line where Sam spells out his idea to MB is classy: “What if you guys lead the devil to the edge, and I jump in?” After which Sam assumes he can take back “the wheel” and all will be well. Except that the demon he’s allowed to possess his body would be none other than the Morning Star himself, and it would get a little more tricky to get away with than your average, everyday demon. MB rightfully objects; he doesn’t want either boy to die a hero’s death, obviously, and neither do I. That is, I don’t want them to die, period.”




Couldn’t be prettier


Couldn’t be prettier


Oh my word, would you LOOK at that Samhair!!!!


Oh my word, would you LOOK at that Samhair!!!!


And still more Samhair!!!


And still more Samhair!!!


Still pretty, by firelight this time


Still pretty, by firelight this time


Smoky and handsome by firelight


Smoky and handsome by firelight


Does not want Dean to go off without him


Does not want Dean to go off without him


Having unusual conversation with Magical Bobby


Having unusual conversation with Magical Bobby


 GOLDEN and handsome and smoky and drinking


GOLDEN and handsome and smoky and drinking


Rain-dappled Dean


Rain-dappled Dean


Confronting the demon


Confronting the demon


Confronting his past – and looking rather dishy as he does it


Confronting his past - and looking rather dishy as he does it






Supernatural Episode Review: Hammer of the Gods

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, SPN, Supernatural 1 Comment »

My review of the Supernatural episode “Hammer of the Gods” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

 “And I did like that Dean notices that Sam was uptight, and encourages him to unpucker and try to relax for once. And best of all, that Dean reiterated that he still was keeping the faith and wasn’t giving up. (He does this with some marvelous eye contact, making sure that Sam understands exactly what he’s saying.) Dean thinks they have earned the right to eat all the pie they can manage. As for Sam, he urges that they go back on the road. He’s reverted back to being the sensible one, the way he was in Season One, only this time around, his caution is tempered with experience, so what used to come across as sulky complaining, now comes across as good advice. Which neither one of them follows, leaving them stuck in the hotel.”

Wet Dean…very nice

Wet Dean…very nice

 Consummate Flirt…

Consumate Flirt…

Naughty Sam…Texting at the table…

Naughty Sam…Texting at the table…

Dimples and green eyes…

Dimples and green eyes…

Sparkle and shine…

Sparkle and shine…

Getting attacked by the hotel…

Getting attacked by the hotel…

Dean has his Kubrick moment…

Dean has his Kubrick moment…

Amidst the tumble of the gods…

Amidst the tumble of the gods…

Hiding out from their own story…

Hiding out from their own story…

Looks beautiful in natural light…

Looks beatiful in natural light…

Supernatural Episode Review: Point of No Return

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Point of No Return” is up at


An excerpt:

“The walls of this little dive are a deep green, and Dean is dressed in black and grey, all the tones of which make his skin paper white, as if he’s experiencing a shock from which he cannot recover. (And frankly, green is such a good color for Dean. It makes his eyes bright and his mouth lush and ashen rose, just like the best heroine in a romance novel. But I like him this way, even if he is about to die.) Every little detail points to Dean saying his last goodbyes before he says yes, but all I have to say is, he sure as hell better be writing that letter to SAM, even if he is addressing the box to Magical Bobby. Because, yes, even if Sam doesn’t have a fixed address, Sam is one of the most prized and valued things in Dean’s life. And I have the episode right here to prove it.”


Dean against the green…


Dean against the green…


Sam all rosy and flushed…


Sam all rosy and flushed…


Just about as beautiful a boy as you would ever want to see…


Just about as beautiful a boy as you would ever want to see…


Looking to Sam for the truth…


Looking to Sam for the truth…


Bringing with him high expectations for Dean…


Bringing with him high expectations for Dean…


Looking pretty adorable whilst locked in the Panic Room…

Looking pretty adorable whilst locked in the Panic Room…


Being Dean…


Being Dean…


And being Sam…


And being Sam…


Damsel in distress, he makes it look easy…


Damsel in distress, he makes it look easy…


And I couldn’t decide between these two, they were both so pretty and the Samhair was so perfect…so I included both of them! 


Samhair Number One


Samhair Number One


Samhair Number Two


Samhair Number Two

Supernatural Episode Review: 99 Problems

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: 99 Problems

My review for the Supernatural episode is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Sam and Dean have a dither at one of the tables. Sam’s Samhair is in full force, making his face look all sculpted, with his strong, manly jawline coming across to me like an erotic shock. Oh, dear me, his mouth is so rosy and sweet, and he just keeps moving it as he talks. And as for Dean, he’s lit up and all green eyed and sparkly, and his eyebrows say yes, yes, while his lips say no, no, and it’s almost too much. Really, both of them being this beautiful at the same time should be against the law. What are they talking about? Oh, yes.”


Sam is bloody AND amazing…


Sam is bloody AND amazing…


And his Samhair always looks good…


And his Samhair always looks good…


Just as Dean is always pretty…


Just as Dean is always pretty…


Sam and his Samhair at the bar…


Sam and his Samhair at the bar…


A toast to beer and each other…


A toast to beer and each other…


More dithering…in bed…


More dithering…in bed…


Dubious Dean…


Dubious Dean…


Sensual Sam…


Sensual Sam…


Dean kills the Whore…


Dean kills the Whore…


Supernatural Episode Review: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

Episodes, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Pink Ray Gun, Reviews, SPN, Supernatural Comments Off on Supernatural Episode Review: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

My review of the Supernatural episode “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

“Post-fireworks, Dean drives off in the Impala, through the night, along a two-lane blacktop road. Overhead, is a full moon, and a sky full of stars. Which, as you know, is impossible, even if it is very pretty. But since this is heaven, since this is Dean’s heaven, the full moon is big enough and close enough to touch, all silver and blazing with moon dust. And around it, the stars sparkle white against the black and dark purple, like diamonds against velvet. This for Dean is a perfect night, this for Dean is perfection, and such a simple perfection it is, something that money and power cannot buy, and so right for Dean’s character, that he would choose this. Oh Dean, be it ever thus.”

Sam…about to be dead, but dear me, he’s pretty…

Sam…about to be dead, but dear me, he’s pretty…

Dean…about to join his brother in heaven…

Dean…about to join his brother in heaven…

Sam, playing at Happy Family

Sam, playing at Happy Family

Dean’s always been a good hugger…

Dean’s always been a good hugger…

Waiting for his life to begin…and for a bite of pb&j…

Waiting for his life to begin…and for a bite of pb&j…

The Night Sam Left for Stanford (Yes, in all caps!)

The Night Sam Left for Stanford (Yes, in all caps!)

Still not saying yes to the meatsuit idea…

Still not saying yes to the meatsuit idea…

Understands the soulmate concept…

Understands the soulmate concept…

Smirks after kisses…

Smirks after kisses…

Carrying the faith for Dean…

Carrying the faith for Dean…

Supernatural Episode Review: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid

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My review of the Supernatural episode “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is up at Enjoy!

An excerpt:

Sam and Dean arrive at a cemetery to dig up Clay’s grave. Or at least, they dig up a coffin, which turns out to be empty, and a very fine sight it was. The digging, I mean, not the coffin. I love watching the boys at work together, doing physical labor like this and I think that’s for two reasons. One, they’re beautiful when they’re all sweating and grunting and manly and stuff. And two, because the digging up of a grave in the middle of the night harkens back to a more innocent time, when saving people, hunting things was all there was to it, and we didn’t have any of this, “and oh, yes, we’re hiding out from Lucifer, and trying to say no to the AA. Michael, and waiting to get shafted by the holy host, etc.”

 Trying on the charm…

Trying on the charm…

Dithering in the car…

Dithering in the car…

Flashlights in the graveyard…

Flashlights in the graveyard…



And digging some more…

And digging some more…



Dean in jail…

Dean in jail…

Love that snap button shirt…

Love that snap button shirt…

And those long legs…

And those long legs…





Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Dean in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty Sam in the shadows…

Pretty when he’s in charge…

Pretty when he’s in charge…

Me and My Two Minds: Musings on a Sixth Season for Supernatural

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I had some thoughts about the sixth season for Supernatural, and you can read them at
