You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Nightshifter” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

“Hendrickson knows, man, he knows about how The Dad dragged those kids from pillar to post, raising them up in cheap motels and backwoods cabins, and just as I’m leaning forward for MORE delicious factoids like these, Hendrickson switches into opinion mode because he can’t figure out whether The Dad was a survivalist nut job, a Unabomber, or what. He rattles on to be insulting but simply doesn’t know and is just trying to get Dean’s goat. (Which he had, as they say, at hello.)  And Dean says, “You don’t know crap about my dad. He was a hero.” I love, love, love Dean in this scene, it might be my favorite scene in the whole ep  (besides Sam’s mandroid line), on account of Dean’s shoulders go back and his chin comes up and there’s a whole lot of love and pride running through him. Plus, yeah, I loved the factoids about where the boys lived when they were growing up. Show needs to give fangirls like me MORE like this, and right away, if not sooner. Otherwise I’ll just make stuff up and it’ll be a whole lot darker than what Show had planned.”


On the phone with Hendrickson

On the phone with Hendrickson

Sexy with flashlight

Sexy with flashlight

 Playing the part

Playing the part

Wanting to keep Ron safe

Wanting to keep Ron safe

You brought a knife Dean?

You brought a knife Dean?

Couldn’t come in naked

Couldn’t come in naked

 Dither in the dark

Dither in the dark

Sam is so screwed

Sam is so screwed

Dean is so screwed

Dean is so screwed