You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “In the Beginning” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

I particularly loved the scene where Dean talks to Mary in the living room, where she’s going through her stack of LPs, and didn’t that bring back memories? (You kids, LPs were what we had before CDs, okay? The fragility of which imbued the music on the black vinyl with more meaning and value than a cold, technical CD ever could. And they sounded better. Ask anyone.) Dean wants to know what John is like, and I applaud Show for asking this question because while my fangirl brain could make stuff up, it was nice to get it from the source. And yeah, Nice is the word to use here, apparently John was sweet and kind and romantic and dreamy, and believed in the happily ever after. Mary’s face glows when she tells Dean this, and Dean’s look of shock and surprise is very good and amusing, because yeah, this is a 180 from The Dad that I know and love and bring up as often as I can. 


No bars in Lawrence

No bars in Lawrence

Meeting up with John

Meetnig up with John

John before The Tragedy

John before The Tragedy

Dealing with angels is no fun

Dealing with angels is no fun

Bonding over the Impala

Bonding over the Impala

A truly home-cooked meal

A truly home-cooked meal

Sexy preacher man

Sexy preacher man

Getting the Colt

Getting the Colt

Dean before he realizes that Grandpa is not who he says he is…

Dean before he realizes that Grandpa is not who he says he is…

Hunter eyes

…is not who he says he is

