You can read my review of the Supernatural episode “Yellow Fever” at Thank you!

An excerpt:

“As Sam’s sitting there, he’s saying all those things that Dean has never wanted to hear. Saying them with dark tones in his voice and a finality that seems to be Dean’s biggest fear, that one day Sam will truly turn Dark and all this will be over, “all this” being the saving people, hunting things mantra that runs through Dean’s blood like, well, like blood. Because it is his blood and without it, I don’t think he can survive. Sometimes, I hate to think what will become of him when the last supernatural thing is laid to rest. Perhaps, like a gunslinger with no more bad men to kill, he’ll walk down to the streets of Laredo and wrap himself up in white linen and wait to die.”

Am I haunted?

Am I haunted?

Boys in suits

Boys in suits

Dealing with Dean

Dealing with Dean



Expressive eyebrows

Expressive eyebrows

Marvelous closeup

Marvelous closeup

Sammy in a suit

Sammy in a suit

Stealing the scene

Stealing the scene

That’s just crazy

That’s just crazy

Watching for snakes

Watching for snakes

Yellow fever

Yellow fever